Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Great Poetry Blog

It seems to me that my friend Justin wishes to be an ascetic. So strange to me... how the modern poet (whom we have so often been told likes to draw his sustenance from excess of stimulus and deep inner turmoil) is much more prone these days to speak in admiration of simplicity, retreat, solitude and deprivation than about anything else. Poets have become sick of the modern ruckus and clamber and have sought to say something quiet instead.

I think I like this trend in poetry (the contemplative monastic rather than the eccentric aesthetic hedonist). Sometimes we must walk in "a way in which there is no ecstasy" if we want to move toward purity of soul and true knowledge of God. Sometimes we need to become empty to be filled... Methinks that such poets should be reading their Desert Fathers.

As I said, very interesting. Anyway, check out this blog on a regular basis if you have a taste for some good modern poetry on mostly metaphysical subjects.

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